St Joseph's Catholic Primary School exists to provide our pupils with a high quality education in a safe, happy and consistent environment.

The interests of the pupils are our highest priority and we want all our pupils to have the best possible opportunities to achieve as much as they can.

Mrs A Birrell - Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J Moodie - Deputy Headteacher / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A Dybell - Reception Teacher / Early Years Lead  / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs G Bell - Nursery Teacher

Mrs A Dybell - Reception Teacher / Early Years Lead / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Mrs E McGough - Year 1 Teacher 

Mrs M Bradshaw - Year 2 Teacher - Key Stage 1 Lead

Mr C Scrimshaw - Year 3 Teacher

Mrs G Linley - Year 4 Teacher

Miss S Schiller - Year 5 Teacher

Miss C Black - Year 6 Teacher / SENCO / Key Stage 2 Lead 


Teaching assistants -  Mrs M Daniel  -  Miss L Kirby  -  Mrs M Hawksby -  Mrs J McCabe  - Mrs G Wharton  -  Miss J Wharton  -  Mr T Canning

Office Staff - Mrs C Swainston

Well-Being Lead and Parent Support Advisor - Miss S Harrison

Caretaker -  Mr D Boston

Cook - Mrs M McNulty

Kitchen and dinner time supervisors

Miss M Clowes  -  Mrs L Harrison  -  Miss G Johnson  -  Mrs M Kenny


Mrs J Stockton  -  Mrs L Warren  -  Miss M Clowes