The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools to support pupils who are considered disadvantaged and is a directive from the Government to address any inequalities and that the needs of every individual pupil are met within schools.

Pupil Premium provides funding for pupils in the following categories:

  • Who are in receipt of free school meals (FSM) in year groups Reception to Year 6
  • Who have been in receipt of free school meals (FSM) at any point in the past 6 years (Ever 6)
  • Who have been continuously looked after for the past six months
  • Who are adopted from care under the Adoption and Child Act 2002 or who have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order (Post LAC)
  • Those children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces in year groups Reception to Year 6 or were eligible for funding in the last 4 years (Ever 4 Service Child)

Key statement from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School’s OFSTED report March 2019

‘Leaders have an uncompromising and relentless drive to improve standards across the school. They are rightly ambitious for every pupil.’

‘Over time, pupils develop a love of learning and a desire to work to the best of their ability. When they leave St Joseph’s at the end of Year 6, they are well prepared for the challenges of secondary school.’

Focus of Funding Allocation

The aim of our Pupil Premium funding at St Joseph’s is to ensure there is no inequality between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils in our care. We do this by ensuring that the funding is strategically and effectively targeted to address any barriers to academic learning and progress, and to offer enrichment opportunities to enable pupils to flourish socially and emotionally. When identifying appropriate strategies, the impact and success of previous experiences has been considered along with external research including the Educational Endowment Foundation and the Sutton Trust.

We are committed to using a range of measures to evaluate the impact of the investment and this is monitored throughout the academic year.

These include;

  • Monitoring the progress being made by each Pupil Premium funded child and where little or no progress is being made, to review their provision.
  • To promote the understanding across the school that it is a collective responsibility to close the gap for disadvantaged pupils.
  • To gain the viewpoint of the child through the completion of Pupil Voice.
  • To engage the parents/carers of our pupils, ensuring they fully support our aims for their child.

The school allocates its funding in the following key areas:

Curriculum – With a particular focus on English and Maths, targeted interventions are in place to address gaps in attainment and progress.

Specific need – Pupils identified with a specific need – including high attaining pupils as well as SEN and non SEN, who require specific equipment or resources, are provided with these to ensure there is no barrier to their progress. This includes provision of school uniform if required.

Teaching and Learning – An all-inclusive community, providing a wide range of learning experiences ensuring all children access the same opportunities and access quality first teaching.

Enrichment opportunities - Access to appropriate extra-curricular activities tailored to meet the needs of Pupil Premium funded children.

Attendance and punctuality - To implement strategies to address any gap in attendance and punctuality rates between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium pupils.

Support Staff

Support staff are delegated in a number of ways throughout the school to support in the initiatives for Pupil Premium pupils which includes:

  • Supporting pupils in addressing targets in maths and English. To close the gap between PP and non PP within the school and nationally in GLD, the Phonics Screening Check and key data at the end of Key Stages.
  • Supporting pupils in addressing targets in maths and English across the school.
  • Supporting children in intervention to carefully track progress alongside teachers and use interventions appropriately to impact on learning.
  • Supporting in the classroom so class teachers can work with Pupil Premium pupils.
  • Supporting and delivering clubs.
  • In EYFS to address low baseline entry through additional adult support.
  • Supporting pupils with social and emotional needs and with behavioural challenges. To help pupil’s manage and express their emotions in a positive way.

Pupil Premium Information

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