Welcome to Reception

Class Teacher: Mrs Dybell

We are very excited to be part of this important year as the children start full-time school. Our aim is always to make the transition into full-time school calm and enjoyable and we ensure that children who join us from other nursery settings quickly feel part of our School Community.


In Reception we love to explore and learn through play. We have a light and airy classroom which has a wide range of different areas. The areas are carefully organised to promote independence and enable the children to develop and practice key skills, as well as developing lifelong skills such as perseverance and resilience. We also have a large outdoor space which is accessible from the classroom and is extremely beneficial in the learning and development within Reception.

In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, securing essential skills and knowledge across seven areas. Our curriculum is designed to ignite the children’s love of learning and we understand that young children learn best through exploration, first-hand experiences and being active.

We have a phonics and maths lesson every day and this develops the children’s reading and writing skills and their understanding of key mathematical concepts. Additionally, we share stories and poems as a class daily. This is a great opportunity for the children to hear brilliant vocabulary, visit new places and learn about the world and of course develop a lifelong love of books.

PE takes place on a Monday and on a Wednesday, this means we need to wear our full PE tracksuit. Homework is set every Monday on Seesaw and must be completed by the following Monday.

Along with work in books and floor books, we also use Seesaw to capture your child’s ‘learning journey’ and you will be able to view what your child has been learning about and the new skills they are developing. You can also send us your comments and feedback by simply adding them to the posts.

Each week two children are presented with a Golden Certificate, which celebrates their success and attitude to learning. At the end of every term, we will also have a Shining Light and a Most Improved Hand Writer.

Thank you for visiting our Class Page and we look forward to sharing this amazing Learning Journey with our Children.

Mrs Dybell


Reception Newsletters

Updated: 03/05/2024 166 KB
Updated: 02/02/2024 186 KB
Updated: 06/12/2023 171 KB

Reception Curriculum Overview

Updated: 20/12/2023 135 KB

Reception Information for Parents

Updated: 27/04/2023 425 KB
Updated: 27/04/2023 1.55 MB