Welcome to Year 1

Class Teacher: Mrs Bradshaw

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hawksby

Year 1 is the beginning of our Key Stage 1 journey, and our classroom is a friendly and hard-working place to learn in. We have areas in our classroom where we can investigate, create, construct, write, read and develop our maths skills. We recognise the importance of learning through play and children are given opportunities to use the areas to develop key skills such as speaking and listening, resilience, creativity, teamwork, fine and gross motor skills. Children will share their learning on Seesaw

Year 1 children will be working towards their Phonics Screening assessment in the summer term. We have five Read Write Inc lessons a week to help us develop our phonic knowledge and reading skills which prepares us well for this.

Reading books are sent home each night and are changed regularly. We encourage the children to read each night with an adult. Children are also able to choose a Reading for Pleasure book. This is a book for adults to share with their child to promote conversation and to help develop a love of reading.

Our wider curriculum helps us develop our knowledge of the world around us and important historical events and achievements. We have PE on a Monday and Wednesday this means we come to school wearing our PE tracksuit.

Phonics homework is set on Seesaw on a Monday and is to be completed by the following Monday. Children also have a termly homework topic grid. This links to what the children are learning about currently. 

In Year 1, we celebrate children’s effort, work and behaviour. One way is by awarding Dojo points for things such as great effort with their work, participating in lessons and completing homework. The person with the most points at the end of the week will receive a Dojo Winner certificate. Two children are awarded a Trust Value certificate each week, and these are awarded to children who have demonstrated these values, whether that be for excellent work, their behaviour or attitude.

Thank you for visiting our class page, we look forward to an exciting year in Year 1.

Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Hawksby

Year 1 Newsletters

Updated: 03/05/2024 160 KB
Updated: 02/02/2024 142 KB
Updated: 06/12/2023 150 KB

Year 1 Homework

Updated: 03/05/2024 77 KB
Updated: 02/02/2024 114 KB
Updated: 02/02/2024 75 KB

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Updated: 30/05/2024 113 KB